Reblogged with permission from: Hallo, is this the police? | by notonlyformyself. An outsiders perspective on how things possibly went down this morning. – Hallo, is this the police? I need your help. – Yes, again. – There are three people blocking the entrance to the gate. I know you have been here 7 times a day since 2007. Yes, […]
A peace keeper, Park Yong-Sung, who stayed in the sit-in tent across the construction gate overnight wrote in the morning of Dec. 17. ‘The tree of peace was made near the Gangjeong stream thanks to uncles and peace keepers in Gangjeong who cut and brought trees. The religious elders also helped to make the tree. However, from the morning, there […]
1. People’s Nov. 20 statement on the exposure of the Island Council on Nov. 19 ( Translated. Original Korean statement can be seen here) Title: The ruling and opposition parties should cut the whole 2013 budget for the Jeju naval base project as the decision on drive for the Jeju naval base project by the national policy control meeting […]
During both days of Nov. 16 and 17, issues regarding the budget on the Jeju navy base project were hot, especially with the Island governor’s request to the visiting Democratic United Party members to pass the budget on subsidiary condition. The villagers criticized on it with statement (see its translation on No.3). This article is a summary of four […]
1. Workers’ sabotage? Not confirmed yet. There have been no night time entry/ exit of cement mixer trucks since last Saturday, Nov. 10. Even though it is told that 24 hour construction is continued inside the construction site. As of Nov. 16, it became a week that cement mixer trucks did not enter or exit the gates in the […]
[Nov 5] National Assembly Defense Committee starts the examination on budget. Cut the whole budget for the Jeju naval base project! The National Defense Committee of the National Assembly starts the examination on the government budget included of Jeju naval base project next year on Nov. 5. The committee is composed of 9 members of the ruling Saenuri Party […]
In this month’s issue: The navy pushes to steal more land, water issues, London Samsung Boycott, Construction Mocks Environmental Standards, Prison Letter from Dr. Song Kang-Ho and more! Download PDF
In this month’s issue: 6000 bows for peace in front of the Governor’s building, special international solidarity feature, harassement of village elderly, Father Mun wins the 5.18 Human Rights Prize, a letter from Guam and more! Download PDF
[ Video on April 20, 2012] The navy guarantees its own fraud of the Jeju naval base project Go Gwon-Il, Chairman of the Villagers’ Committee to Stop the Naval Base explains how the navy has distorted the base layout to enforce the project, by showing maps in the navy’s investigation and test report (Jan 2010) on the matters of ship […]