In this February Edition: A Declaration for Life, Peace and Culture Village; Interview with Gangjeong villagers; Remembering Father Bix; International Conference on Women, Peace and Security, Philippines; Hotbed of irregularities at the Jeju naval base construction; The Police’s Reasonable Judgment?; War Tax Resistance; trial update; The Precarious Spring of Korea; The first International Peace Film Festival In Gangjeong(IPFFIG); Fr. Mun Jeong-Hyeon’s […]

A full translation from people’s statement on Feb. 25, 2016,  here Our Position on the Jeju Navy Base Construction Completion Ceremony   On Feb. 26, the Jeju navy base construction completion ceremony is held in Gangjeong Village, land of life. It is clear that the Jeju navy base cannot create an era of peace. The Jeju navy base cannot but […]