In this Aug. to Nov. 2021 Edition : Light Aircraft Carrier, Jeju Naval Base, US Indo-Pacific Strategy/ The 2021 Gangjeong Peace Activist March/ The release of Song Kang-ho/ Accusing the Navy Chief of Staff on Gangjeong Stream/ Ocean Action/ Update on the struggle against the 2nd airport project/ The New Space Era of South Korea with Rockets/ Opposition to AUKUS/ […]

In this June, July, 2021 Edition : The Jeju 2nd airport construction project nears the brink of falling/ Civilian-Government-Military Cooperation/ Gangjeong stream takes the island government and MND to court/ The 2nd airport still casting shadows after the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment was rejected/ Opposing Talisman Sabre for a Peaceful Pacific/ Cancer cases in village close to THAAD radar/ Countering […]

Gangjeong is alive. Its vivid life seldom stops despite ongoing construction inside the construction area during the weekend. Here are some sketches and stories of Gangjeong on Sunday, Nov. 25 by the early dawn of Monday, Nov. 26. Meanwhile  our friends in Okinawa had a Mangetsu Matsuri (Full Moon festival on Nov. 24, Saturday. You can see the full report […]