On the morning of January 17, 2013, two press conferences were held at similar times in front of the Korea Institute of Oceanic Science and Technology in Daedeok-gu, Daejeon and at the naval base project office gate in Gangjeong Village, Jeju. They were held to denounce the Korean government and navy’s hasty 3rd simulation that will be held for only two days on […]
1. The Ministry of Nation Defense reported its will to continue construction It was Jan. 11 that the Ministry of National Defense was told to have reported to the Presidential transition committee that the ministry would continue the Jeju naval base construction without stop. The Jeju Domin Ilbo, Jan. 12, 2013 reads: The Chosun Ilbo reported through its Jan. […]
Reblogged with permission from: 30 000 reasons to say no to the naval base in Jeju | by notonlyformyself * The history of Jeju is violent and bloody. In a not too distant history more than 30 000 people died on Jeju. Some estimates say that as many as 80 000 were massacred in what is referred to as the […]
Jan. 10, the villagers’ first monthly Unity Day in 2013 was a day to be remembered, as the military and police even ignored the national legislature by exercising police violence to two National Assembly members who joined people’s press conference and struggle in protest to illegal construction that is being done despite the National Assembly ruling on 70 days’ construction […]
Reblogged with permission from: The watch dogs of Gangjeong | by notonlyformyself. Today there were many watch dogs by the gates of the naval base. Unification day. And it has been a hectic day. But first. Two concepts that are hovering over the base. Civil Disobedience (Resistance to civil government) Henry David Thoreau argues that individuals should not permit governments […]
Despite the National Assembly’s subsidiary conditions on the budget which demand a 70 days’ stop of construction from Jan. 1, 2013, the navy’s enforcement of illegal construction continues on day and night. On Jan. 8, members of the Seongdong Center for Independant Living visited Gangjeong, joining the peoples’ struggle to stop the illegal construction. They stayed all night in front of […]
Reblogged with permission from: Hallo, is this the police? | by notonlyformyself. An outsiders perspective on how things possibly went down this morning. – Hallo, is this the police? I need your help. – Yes, again. – There are three people blocking the entrance to the gate. I know you have been here 7 times a day since 2007. Yes, […]
Summary translation of the Yonhap news, Jan. 5, 2013 On Jan. 5, the criminal case department of the West district of Seoul Prosecutors’ Office made a decision of non-prosecution on Kim Ji-Yoon (29), a proportional representative of young people of the United Progressive Party. Kim has been charged of damage on the honor of the navy with her expression […]
The navy says it can do enforcing construction ON CREDIT, despite the agreement by the ruling and opposition parties on 70 days’ construction stop and verification. According to Jang Hana, National Assembly woman, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance considering 70 days’ construction stop period according to the National Assembly subsidiary condition on Jan. 1, 2013, compiled only 16.2 billion […]
Following the release of Fr. Lee Young-Chan on Dec. 26, Mr. Kim Bok-Chul was released on Jan. 3. Both were released on bail. A Video on Fr. Lee Young-Chan, made by Dungree after Fr. Lee’s arrest on Oct. 26, 2012, remembering Fr. Lee’s struggles against the naval base project. For Mr. Kim Bok-Chul, Jan. 3, 2013 was his 206th day in […]