In this Aug. to Nov. 2021 Edition : Light Aircraft Carrier, Jeju Naval Base, US Indo-Pacific Strategy/ The 2021 Gangjeong Peace Activist March/ The release of Song Kang-ho/ Accusing the Navy Chief of Staff on Gangjeong Stream/ Ocean Action/ Update on the struggle against the 2nd airport project/ The New Space Era of South Korea with Rockets/ Opposition to AUKUS/ […]

In this September & October 2020 Edition : Gureombi Rock will be returned back to us without fail / Naval base entry road is destroying Gangjeong River / Gureombi Rock and Kim Jong-Hwan’s Operation/ Why Do I Fast?/ Udo and Hundertwasser/ From the trees of Guam and Hawaii/ Okinawa Opinion Statements/ More Coal-Fired Power Plants? /Lets’ save Ha-je Village and […]

In this August/September 2017 Edition (Specially 8 page): 2017 Jeju Grand March for Life and Peace/ Ishigaki peace camp 2017/ The18 hours’ resistance against THAAD / IPAN calls for THAAD OUT OF KOREA/ Why Iwakuni? / The Colonization of Guam/ Miyako Mothers for a Peaceful Future/ Ishigaki Elders Call for No More War/ Henoko Blue/ Report on the solidarity trip […]

Re-blogged from here and here South Korea constructs new Naval Base on Jeju Island, U.S. Plans to Expand Military Base on Okinawa and China Builds on South China Sea Atolls By Ann Wright The international community is extraordinarily concerned about the Chinese construction on small islands and atolls in disputed waters off China, Vietnam, Taiwan and Japan.  Over the past […]