In this October/ November 2018 Edition : The Nightmare of a Fleet Review in Jeju/ South Korea to have blue-water navy, imperialist ambitions?/ Resisting Empire in the 21st Century/ Korea and the war in Yemen/ Delivery of Jeju April 3rd Petition to the US embassy/MD system extension in South Korea/ Bijarim Road and the 2nd Jeju airport project/ For […]

In this September Edition: Aegis made the 1st entry to Gangjeong, Peace for the Sea to be Continued, Bishop Kang U-il address, The Real Struggle Starts from Now On, The 2nd Gangjeong Peace Conference, The Trans-Pacific Partnership, Hotpinkdolphins went to Taiji, Henoko Resistance Continues, international solidarity photos,  Daelim to suffocate Gangjeong financially again, Watching Samsung, Trial Update, The Song of Gangjeong,  Documentary […]

It’s that time again! In this month’s issue: Yang Yoon-Mo Free at last, April 3rd Remembrances, 4 catholics arrested, letter from David Hartsough, Trial Updates, Peace for the Sea Camp, Peace Book Cafe anniversary, international solidarity, and more! Download PDF