DOWNLOAD In this Dec. 2022 to March 2023 Issue: Gangjeong Says, Stop the War!/ Get Out US warship DDG-115!/ Cruise matters: Jeju aches from over-tourism/ Jeju 2nd Airport and the Endangerment of Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins/ The struggle against Jeju’s 2nd airport faces a new phase/ Abolish new airport projects across the country!/ Remembrance and connections at Alddreu/ How do we […]

In this April/May 2018 Edition : Gangjeong Struggle Reached 4,000 Days & Beyond/ A New Era. No THAAD Base Construction! No Naval Review!/ The Night for the Memories of Vietnam and Jeju/ Kings Bay Plowshares/ Gangjeong Villagers Join Annual Okinawa Peace March/ Women of the Philippines & Jeju Talk Militarization / Gangjeong is April 3rd/ Sewol Ferry Tragedy Remembrance/ No […]

In this February/March 2018 Edition : A Symposium for the Denuclearization of Jeju/ Kim Kwan-jin, THAAD, & Lockheed Martin/ Father Mun Chose Prison/ The 6th Year Anniversary of Gureombi Rock Blast/ / 37 Days’ Fast Against Corporation Welfare/ Peace Award to Okinawa/ The Epitaph Covered Under Mural Painting of Lotuses/ Rohingya Refugees Demand Human Rights / Nuclear Cruise Missiles and […]

In this March Edition: The navy’s lawsuit against people; Rise up, Gureombi; War exercise in Gangjeong; Solidarity with the next generation of Catholic workers; Wednesday Water day; Fr. Mun Jeong-Hyeon’s visit to the USA; Remembering Korea’s role in the Vietnam War;  Residents’ complaints about the construction of the base entry road; trial update; International Women’s Day remembered; New daily evening bells prayer service; […]