In this September Edition: The 3rd Gangjeong Peace Conference; The wrongful arrest of Mayor Cho Kyung-chul; Military explosive vehicle passing by the village; Peace Educators’ Solidarity; International Tribunal of Eviction; Jeju naval base for the US aircraft carrier?; THAAD and Jeju naval base; Delivery of the claim for reimbursement to the Navy has commenced; Baek Nam-gi, Presente; Solidarity with Pyeongtaek: Stop the Air Show! etc.   Download PDF Name spelling […]

In this July/August Edition: 2016 Jeju Peace March; Does South Korea need THAAD?; Veterans for Peace Joining the March; Two Korean American peace activists were deported; Reflections and photos on the march in Jeju and Peace for the Sea camp in Taiwan; Seongsan residents against the 2nd airport project; Jeju’s militarization presented in the East Asia Tribunal of Eviction; Hula Girls; Everyday protest […]

Re-blogged from here, August 6, 2016 Written by Bruce K. Gagnon   The Grand March for Life and Peace concluded last night with a rousing rally in Jeju City along the sea wall (that reminds one of the Malecón in Havana).As our east team met the west team in the center of the city each side carried one of two […]

The below is re-blogged from here. We gathered at the new Navy base front gate this morning just after 8:00 am in order to get registered for the six-day peace walk around Jeju Island, South Korea.  Many in the crowd walked down an entry road to the main gate that of course was blocked off with higher than normal security […]

    For 2016 Gangjeong Grand March for Life and Peace ‘Peace,’ go to here. This is the summary translation from the Korean site, here. Thanks so much, Tom and Nanch’o for translations.  …………………………………………………………………………..   2016 Gangjeong Grand March for Life and Peace ‘Peace, ‘ East route’   Seogwipo Cathedral The 1st Annual International Peace Film Festival in Gangjeong (April […]

In this June Edition: Sunken Sewol ferry overloaded with iron bars for Jeju naval base; Navy Week on Jeju Island; Gwangju and Jeju: A Journalist’s Account; Zumwalt 12 Arrested at Shipyard; Memory Activism Peace School; Visit to Aland Island; The endangered Joongdeok Samgeori; Environment around Jeju naval base deteriorates; UN recommends South Korea to protect freedom of assembly and association; Trial […]

Re-blogged from Hankyoreh, June 29, 2016, titled, [News analysis] What’s the real reason the Sewol left port that night? Investigation shows the ferry was overloaded with iron bars meant for Jeju naval base, and may have left to keep the construction schedule It has been officially confirmed that the Sewol ferry was carrying 410 tons of iron bars meant for […]

“The ROK-Japan agreement [on comfort women] on Dec. 28 is originally invalid. Renegotiate!” “Stop ROK-US-Japan missile defense drill!” Since ROK-Japan collusion on comfort women issue on Dec. 28, last year, Gangjeong has carried out a girl statue performance every Wednesday, in remembrance of comfort women under the Japanese imperialism, as well as for the justice of women and lives victimized […]

UPDATE: Route guide_2016 Gangjeong Grand March for Life and Peace ‘Peace To join the march, please submit application form, here.   “Hey, peace, let’s walk together” 2016 Gangjeong Grand March for Life and Peace Aug. 1 (Mon.) to Aug. 6 (Sat.)    The 2016 Gangjeong Grand March for Life and Peace starts with an event on the previous day and is launched in Gangjeong […]

  The below is the solidarity statement from Gangjeong on June 14. To read and see photos on Maine protest on June 18, click the words in bold: You Are Not Alone! (June 18)  / More Photos from ‘Stealth’ Destroyer Protest at BIW in Maine (June 18)   Dear Friends in Maine, United States, Hello from Gangjeong village, Jeju Island, South Korea. Despite […]