The National Defense Committee of the National Assembly will have its final meeting in the morning of Nov. 16, Friday, in Korean time. Its’ Nov. 12 meeting was dissipated because of wide gap between the ruling and main opposition party. But since then the Democratic United Party (DP), the main opposition party has shown its compromising attitude that it is […]
Citing an article of Chosun Ilbo on Nov. 14, the Jeju Sori on Nov. 14 reports that the Democratic United Party is withdrawing from its official position of ‘whole cut’ on the 2013 Jeju naval base budget. It is considering ‘conditional pass,’ of about 200 billion won budget for 2013 naval base project. Its reasoning is told that […]
1. Villagers say, ‘No way!’ to the threat of demolition of vigil tents While villagers set up two vigil tents across the construction gates against 24 hour construction (destruction) on Nov. 11. Sunday, the City hall of Seogwipo City is threatening villagers to be volunteering to remove them. If not the City will enforce demolition of them, it bluffs. Currently […]
Catholic priests unite against the navy and police violence While the civil disobedience movement declared by Prof. Shin Yong-In, in front of the construction site in Gangjoeng started on Nov. 12, Catholic priests made voice on the same day as well. Since Fr. Lee Young-Chan(Jesuit) was arrested and imprisoned on Oct. 24, the Catholic priests have been holding […]
Starting a civil disobedience movement for the peaceful settlement of the conflict of the Jeju naval base project and for the realization of just law. By Prof. Shin Yong-In (Translated by Save Jeju Now) Nov. 11, 2012 The Jeju naval base project has numerous problems such as doubtful selection of location, resolution on invitation by conciliation and betrayal, ignorance of Gangjeong […]
Amid heavy rain and strong wind, about 150 people had an emergency rally in front of the Jeju naval base project building complex on Nov. 10, Saturday. See the Nov. 10 poster here. The construction trucks stopped to pass the gates in the morning. 2nd caisson on the Gureombi Rock was recently completed so no night time construction […]
1. Sit-in tent in the center of Seoul heats people’s war to cut the budget on the naval base project The struggle to stop 24 hour construction and cut the whole 2013 budget of 200.9 billion won on the Jeju naval base project is not only held in front of the construction gates in the village but in the center […]
“Jesuits Korea have dispatched several Jesuits members to Gangjeong village to protect peace and justice and preserve natural heritage, where its community has been destroyed and endangered due to the construction of naval base. In March 2012 Fr. Kim Jeong-Wook was arrested and imprisoned for 30 days. Br. Park Do-Hyun and Fr. Kim Sung-Hwan are facing trials. Fr. Lee Young-Chan has […]
Moon Jae-In says, ‘stop construction, re-examine project,’ but no mention on ‘budget cut.’ On Nov. 8, Moon Jae-In, Presidential candidate of the Democratic United Party, visited Jeju. He did not stop by the Gangjeong village, but mentioned on his position on the Jeju naval base project. His mention can be compared to mention by another Presidential candidate, Ahn […]
The review on the legality of confinement of Jesuit priest Fr. Lee Young-Chan, was held on November 6. However, the request for his release was dismissed and the legality of his arrest was confirmed. While the review was being held, a prayer gathering of fellow priests, nuns and peace activists was held in front of the Jeju District Court in Jeju […]