Photo by Jang Hyun-Woo, caption by Regina Pyon/ Jang Sung-shim (Catholic name Lucia) is shaving the head in front of Jeju naval base building site on 15th civic action day on November 10. She was on her fourth day of fast even without water and salts staying day and night at the gate demanding the cancellation of Jeju naval base project. . . For more photos of Jang Hyun-woo, see here.
Amid heavy rain and strong wind, about 150 people had an emergency rally in front of the Jeju naval base project building complex on Nov. 10, Saturday. See the Nov. 10 poster here. The construction trucks stopped to pass the gates in the morning. 2nd caisson on the Gureombi Rock was recently completed so no night time construction trucks on the day (and no construction trucks passing the gates on Sunday, too)
Jang Sungshim, a Jeju navtive and a Catholic follower who has been carrying on fast at the construction gate shaved her hair in protest to the enforced naval base project. In her ‘ statement on the fast and hair-shaving to revoke the US Jeju naval base project and to free all prisoners,’ she mentioned.
“The [National Assembly] has cut 96 % of the 2012 budget [on the Jeju naval base project]. From what source the navy is enforcing construction then? The navy is using the transferred budget from 2011. It is the most ridiculous and clearly illegal. In my knowledge, budget that was not executed on the applicable year should be returned back to the national treasury. Why do the National Assembly members neglect on that part?”
Kim Jong-Il, former secretary of Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea saying that the navy is enforcing 24 hour construction(destruction) to get the budget on naval base next year, emphasized the importance of current struggle to cut the budget, to form the ground for the revocation of naval base project and to totally re-examine the project.
He said that the anti-base people will organize 14 teams and struggle to stop construction in twice shift in every 12 hours.

Photo and caption by Emily Wang/ Save Our Sea team’s beautiful sailing kayak in front of naval base in Gangjeong’s day. It’s much more beautiful, peaceful and useful for our lives than the warships. One builds up dreams and the other destroys dreams.
Otherwise, mayor Kang Dong-Kyun said:
“During our monthly Great March for life and Peace, we found that there are so many painful sites beside ours. We should start the healing of such pains from Gangjeong. Since we have justice of a claim, cause, and purposeful life, we can stop the Jeju naval base project without fail.”
“Martyr Yang Yong-Chan threw down his body resisting the injustice. Remembering the spirit of Yang Yong-Chan, I hope the Jeju naval base project is to be revoked.”
Kim Sung-Geun, representative of Committee to Cherish the Memory of Yang Yong-Chan said, “The biggest thing that martyr Yang left to us is the heart of love for Jeju. We should make the world where ecology, peace and Jeju Island people are centered, not the society mastered by neo-liberal developmentalism, capital and money.”
“To stop the Jeju naval base is to keep the martyr’s love,” ‘To save Gangjeong is to save peace.”
The commemorating event on Yang Yong-Chan was held indoor of the village Peace Center from 7 to 9pm because of heavy rain.

Photo & caption by Emily Wang/ Today is the 16th Gangjeong’s day against naval base and also the 21st anniversary of Mr. YANG Yong Chan’s death. He sacrificed himself for the love of his hometown jeju island against the capitalism’s careless “Development Law” applied in the beautiful pristine island. His death couldn’t stop the “development law” but has inspired a lot of jeju islanders to love this land purely and bravely.

A banner that illustrates Yang Yong-Chan’s immolation in the City of Seogwipo in 1991 and aftermath with the collected photos.

Post by Christian Karl/ ‘No Naval Base on Jeju!’ – Performance during today’s Workers’ Culture Festival in front of Seoul Stn…
‘삭발투쟁‘…전국시민행동 “제주해군기지 중단하라“
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