“Korea Peace Appeal : Peace Campaign to End the Korean War” was established on 24 June 2020 by around 180 South Korean civil society organizations, including Gangjeong Peace Network. On 27 July 2020, the campaign launched with a press conference in Seoul. Korea Peace Appeal expects to gather 100 million signatures during the next 3 years. We will need many active partners and wide networks to reach this goal!
Please sign and share (en.endthekoreanwar.net) in your networks, and contact us for more info about joining as a partner organization, along with organizations across the world such as AFSC, EAPHET, FOR, Global Network, IPB, National Association of Korean Americans, Okinawa-Korea People’s Solidarity, Peace Women Partners, VFP, WBW, Women Cross DMZ, WILPF, YWCA… and more!

Korea Peace Appeal
• End the Korean War and establish a peace agreement
• Create a Korean Peninsula and a world free from nuclear weapons and nuclear threat
• Resolve the conflict with dialogue and cooperation instead of sanctions and pressure
• Break from the vicious cycle of the arms race and invest in human security and environmental sustainability