Reblogged with permission from: Make art Not war | by notonlyformyself *
It snowed when I walked down to the gate this morning. It snowed during mass and it snowed during the press conference held about the hurried naval base layout simulation that is said to take place today and tomorrow(with results to be presented on January 30th) and is most likely fake.
This week I have seen very few police and have been told it is because they are taking a national test.
People don’t leave the gate unattended anyway of course.
I wonder where they go to find rest and inspiration. And I wonder about why there is so much art. And very few, if any, scare tactic posters, posters of the consequences of war, war ships coming to kill etc. Instead I find this.
And a guy who made a flute from a plastic pipe.
*Reblogged posts do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of Save Jeju Now