Source: Gangjeong village, Oct. 24, 2012 (In Jeju Sori, Oct. 24, 2012)
On Oct. 24, the Village Association exposed that a plan on the maritime firing training that is to be carried out after the completion of the naval base construction has NOT been consulted with the Island people and will be the disaster for fishes and fishermen.
In its statement on it, it says:
If the Jeju Island government is a true civilian-elected government to at least save the safety and interest of the Island people, it should have made an effort to reduce the anxiety of the Island people in advance through informing to the Island people when it acquired such information; inquiring the navy materials on how often and what size the navy would carry out training; and consulting with it on the season and size limitation.
The below is a translation of a part of the statement.
If one looks at the basic material on the analysis on the economic effect in relation to the naval base, published by the headquarter of the Maritime Fishery, Jeju Island, in 2007, there surprisingly appears the plan on the maritime firing training field by the maneuvering flotilla that is to be stationed with the completion of the Jeju naval base construction.
The content of the plan is that the maneuver training is to be carried out in the high seas and the firing training is to be in the site where the Jeju Defense Command is currently using as the high speed patrol boat’s firing site. At first glance, one may think it is not a problem since those training sites have already been being used [for drills].
However, the arms currently being positioned in the Jeju Defense Command are merely 1 piece of 40mm naval gun, 2pieces of 20mm Sea Balkan (*a kind of naval gun) and 2 pieces of the M60 machine guns.
However, the arms of the maneuvering flotilla are of higher levels. Just to mention Korean type destroyer KDX-II, it is equipped with 1 piece of 127mm naval gun, Harpoon anti-ship missile, fleet MK 48 missile, and 324mm Chungsangeo(* Blue Shark) torpedo tube. Beside the matter on the maritime control scope, if those arms are used as live shells in training, nobody can guarantee that there would be no disturbance in the maritime ecology system.
It is more surprising to read that that the position of the Headquarter of the Maritime Fishery, Jeju Island, is that there would be no problem if there is a prior notice and evacuation order only to the applicable areas once the training plan is scheduled.
To look at the coordinates of the firing training field through the Google Earth, it is the north zone that links the Gageo Island, Chooja Island, and the north sea of the Hubjae, [Jeju] Island. The sea area is applicable to the gold fishery of yellow corvine according to the fishermen of the Chooja Island.

Source: Gangjeong village, Oct. 24, 2012 (In Sisa Jeju, Oct. 24, 2012)
And to look at the coordinates of the firing training field in the southern sea of the Jeju Island, it is applicable to the South Sea of the Seogwipo area between Joongmoon and Weemme, which is also applicable to the gold fishery of tile fish and cutlass fish.

Source: Gangjeong village, Oct. 24, 2012 (In Sisa Jeju, Oct. 24, 2012)
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