GDAMS in Gangjeong

April 13, 2015

Just like every year, Global Day of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS) joined to Gangjeong this year too.  People in Gangjeong who are taking action against military spending EVERY DAY in front of the naval base gate and through their lives to realize Gangjoeng as the Life and Peace Village didn’t forget to invite GDAMS to join our struggle.

A group of People in Gangjoeng voluntarily made a lot of pickets symbolize the spirit of GDMAS and our pursuit for peace in different languages and we held the one-person protesting with the pickets during the Catholic mass, Human Chain activity and Gangjeong addicted dancing time to share the spirit with police, construction workers, and people who pass by the naval base. In the end, we want to share the photos with the world about Gangjeong’s endless struggle for peace.

On the Global Day of Action on Military Spending, we people in Gnajgoeng promise that spirit of GDAMS will be practiced here EVERY DAY.
