Inter-Island Solidarity for Peace Team gathers in Taiwan

Islands of Okinawa, Jeju, Taiwan for Peace

From Feb 13th to 16th, people from Okinawa, Jeju and Taiwan who work for Inter-Island Solidarity for Peace had gathered in Taichung, Taiwan for the first time to warm up our next Inter-Island Peace Camp in Okinawa this year (2015).

The host group in Taiwan (East Asia Popular History Exchange Taiwan, EAPHET) prepared a one-week Film Festival(Feb 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13) screening a series of documentaries related to islands. Jeju and Okinawa’s documentaries including “Gureombi, Wind is blowing”, “The Ghost of Jeju”, “Love Okinawa”, “See of Oppression” were all showed and after the movie, friends from Gangjeong and Okinawa had the dialogue time with attendees.

On the night of Feb 13th, a welcome party was held, and on Feb 14th, a press conference and inter-island workshop was held. We also had time to discuss about the exciting 2015 Okinawa Peace Camp.

On Feb 15th, we visited some historical sites of military facilities:  “Da-Yang Oil Tanks (大楊油庫)” built by the US in 1966 to provide the oil to the US bombing jets during Vietnam War,  “Qinshuei Tunnels(清水鬼洞)”, a 4-km tunnel built during the Japanese colonization time in the end of the World War two(1943) to defend the bombing from US, historical site of “Military Dependents’ Village” in Taichung, the community in Taiwan built in the late 1940s and the 1950s whose original purpose was to serve as provisional housing for soldiers of ROC military and their dependents from mainland China after the KMT retreated to Taiwan… We have learned some parts of history of Taiwan which many Taiwanese also didn’t know.

In the night of Feb 15th, we had a farewell party to celebrate people’s hearts gather for peace.



