Nowadays in Gangjeong, the navy has secretary started to build the Military Residence Building in Gangjeong, the village of life and peace, without informing the villagers at all. While the Naval base project has been launched with lots of lies, not surprisingly, the military residence building project appears to be a new fresh lie among countless lies made by navy.

The navy has promised that if the villagers are not willing to accept, they will not built the military residence buildings. In 2012, when the village took a vote after having several general meetings. the result was 98% of villagers against having a navy housing in the village. However, the navy has secretly pushed ahead with the construction without informing the villagers.

It’s especially ironical while the new Jeju governor is proposing to Gangjeong to accept the Truth-Finding and Reconciliation Committee working on the Gangjeong issue, the navy is making more lies which demand Truth-Finding.

On October 30th, there was a press conference led by the Gangjeong Village Association to request the navy to stop the construction for the navy housing immediately. Gangjeong villagers, and Gangjeong supporters from the mainland and Jeju City also joined to the press conference. Many villagers showed up as well during their lunch break in spite of busy time due to harvest season for tangerine.


To watch out and stop the secret construction, Gangjeong people make the peace check-point in front of the Gangjeong Peace Center where the construction cars must pass by. If the construction cars come, people block. Even if the weather is getting cold in Jeju, people take turn and stay over night in front of peace center to be the keeper.

No Military Housing in Gangjeong! No more lies in Gangjeong!
