Upon the Passion Week before the Easter, the Catholics nationwide opposing the war base in Jeju are holding the holy three days’ event in solidarity with the oppressed Gangjeong villagers and friends in the Gangjeong village from March 28 to 3o, 2013.
On Maundy Thursday on March 28, washing feet at Gangjeong stream and dinner. .. On Good Friday at 3 p.m. on March 29 walk through the path of cross from Metppuri to Gangjeong pier. . .On holy Saturday on March 30 there will be the liturgy of the Light and catholic mass at 8 a.m. in front of Jeju naval base building site.
The photos collected here are on the Maundy Thursday Mass at Gangjeong stream, very near to Jeju naval base building site. . . Homily by Bp. Peter Kang U-il of Jeju diocese who is also the chairperson of Korean Catholic Bishops’ Conference.
March 28 was also the Day of Catholic Priests.
Young people in the village wrote to Fr. Mun Jeong-Hyeon in expression of thanks:
“Father, we always thank you that you are with us. We are proud of your sun-burnt face.
Grandfather, Please neither be depressed, nor be sick. Be healthy! Lets’ be here for a long time.”
Most photos by Dir. Cho Sung-Bong and Catholic News, Now and Here (Kim Young-Mi)
To see March 29 photos, click here and March 30 photos, click here.
Bishop Peter Kang U-il of Jeju speaks at Mauncy Thursday mass at Gangjeong stream near Jeju military building site. Video by Eunmi Pang
Bishop Peter Kang U-il washing the people’s feet at Mauncy Thursday mass at Gangjeong stream near Jeju military building site. Video by Eunmi Pang
Pat Cunningham, a Columban Fr. writes:
My thoughts and prayers are with Prof. Yang as he begins his recovery back to full health!
My thoughts and prayers are also with Dunguree who has refused to pay the 1500 dollar fine meted out by the court and has elected to go to prison for 28 days instead!
His crime?-documenting the brave actions of peacemakers standing up for the life and peace of Gangjeong and bravely resisting the daily repression that has become a feature of the 6 year long struggle against the building of the naval base!
I pray this week as we remember the sufferings and deep humiliation that Jesus suffered at the hands of his oppressors and the subsequent humiliation of being put on trial and executed as a common criminal despite being an innocent man; that we may also pray that no more violence and injustice will be visited on the brave peace makers in Gangjeong village that Jesus was raised from the dead and continues to live in the mighty and brave actions of people for justice and peace in our world! As people of hope and people of the resurrection we pray that justice will once again flow like a mighty stream and that the village of Gangjeong will return to its rightful custodians-the villagers and not the navy!
Peace Gangjeong! 강정의 평화!!
(See the Catholic News, Now and Here on March 27, 2013 )

Fr. Mun Jeong-Hyeon and Kim Sung-hwan, Jesuit priest on March 25. On the day Prof. Yang Yoon-Mo hit 54th day, Dungree hit 2nd day in jail. Photos by Catholic Solidarity for Peace Island Jeju.
(Collection of posts by Regina Pyon)
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