Roh Jong-Myon PD, one of the discharged reporters from the YTN wrote on Gangjeong in his blog on June 17, 2013. The below is an excerpted translation of his writing:
Six caissons of huge concrete structures, of which one is told to be a size of 10 story-apartment, are being dismantled, submerged under the sea. Not to mention the controversy on unreliable construction (destruction), should not we report on what kind of poisonous stuff, the cement powders spread into the sea when they meet water?
Breakwater is being formed in shape. However it is same with the matter of the reservoirs for irrigation in the Four River project.. the gaps of breakwater, becoming widen by sea waves, then being widen again after being patched up. Should not we report on that?
It is told that the sea food captured in the nearby sea areas smells and is easily rotten, and their habitats are being destroyed. Should not we report on the real status and its cause?
A [woman] villager fell pushed by the police and got heavy injury, with her stomach being torn, last month ( * See May 10 photos here and related article, here). However, the police ignored it given of merely a two-week medical diagnosis on her. How it can be two-week medical diagnosis when her stomach was stitched of 15 cm? Should not we report on the relationship between the police and the medical center that made such decision?
There are writers, artists, singers, actors, radio performers, reporters, and numerous citizens that are collecting 100,000 books for the villagers who want to build their village as a peaceful book village. As the books are told to be carried by ship in coming September, the villagers were holding a village meeting on the matters of venues of them. Should not we in the media that have sensationally reported only on their crying and being taken away and horrified faces well report on their efforts on the alternative? The question on the essence of the struggle when I was on the way to Gangjeong was easily solved when I met the mayor of the village. He said:
“When I was on trial, a judge told me why I don’t get compensation fee and cooperate in national policy project. Then I said to him, “Your honor, we, the villagers would gather lots of money, pay your wage and buy you an apartment. Then you will quit your job? For us, the land and sea is our work place. We only want to peacefully live here.”

YTN discharged reporters in Gangjeong on June 17, 2013 (source) / The YTN reporters carry a banner with them in the places they are on during the pilgrim. The banner reads, “Here is a bomb-raided area from the media_an area distorted and ignored by media.” -The nationwide pilgrim group for fair broadcasting of the YTN branch of the National Union of Media Workers
Reference: Why do the YTN discharged media workers carry on the nationwide pilgrim for fair broadcasting?
Some discharged union workers of the YTN branch of the Korea Nationwide Union of Media Workers have started a three –week nationwide pilgrim for broadcasting.
Their pilgrim started with the launch ceremony on June 10 includes private property of ex-President Lee Myung-Bak in Seoul, Ssangyong automobile factory in Pyeongtaek, Yoosung Enterprise Co., Ltd.(YPR), Hyundae automobile factory in Asan, Samsung Electronics factory in Onyang, 5·18 graveyard in Gwangju, Medical Center in Jinjoo, transmission tower site in Milyang, Haman reservoir for irrigation (part of Four River Project) in Changnyeong and Gangjeong, Jeju (June 17). Most are the sites where workers or residents have fought for long time against corporate and state power.
The YTN union workers who joined the pilgrim have been discharged in retaliation from the YTN when they protested against the YTN ignorance on the citizens’ mass protest opposing the import of US beef in 2008 and joined the struggle against an appointment of YTN President by orders from the top of Lee Myung-Bak government. It has been four years and nine months that they were discharged from the YTN.
The workers stated on the meaning of pilgrim June 7, “by visiting the sites of the oppressed ignored by the media that have been collapsed by the government’s illegal investigation and jettison of President form the top, we are to reflect ourselves and keep deeply in mind the meaning of freedom of media and summon as media workers. (Source)
(* Thank you, Choi Hye-Young, to bring this to our attention!)
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