In this Aug. to Nov. 2021 Edition : Light Aircraft Carrier, Jeju Naval Base, US Indo-Pacific Strategy/ The 2021 Gangjeong Peace Activist March/ The release of Song Kang-ho/ Accusing the Navy Chief of Staff on Gangjeong Stream/ Ocean Action/ Update on the struggle against the 2nd airport project/ The New Space Era of South Korea with Rockets/ Opposition to AUKUS/ […]

In this September & October 2020 Edition : Gureombi Rock will be returned back to us without fail / Naval base entry road is destroying Gangjeong River / Gureombi Rock and Kim Jong-Hwan’s Operation/ Why Do I Fast?/ Udo and Hundertwasser/ From the trees of Guam and Hawaii/ Okinawa Opinion Statements/ More Coal-Fired Power Plants? /Lets’ save Ha-je Village and […]

An international petition in English language which demands to call off the Jeju 2nd airport (air force base) has begun on Dec. 9, 2019. It was followed by Chinese and Japanese language versions on Dec. 15th, also. In its press release on Dec. 18th, the Jeju Islanders’ Emergency Committee to Stop the Jeju 2nd Airport (hereafter, ‘Island Committee’) stated that […]

To download the PDF file, go to here. 1.The eastern Oreum colonies of Jeju will permanently lose their present form as many Oreums (volcanic cones) will be cut. 2. The caves and the bird sanctuaries at the airport site will be destroyed. Furthermore, there will be high chances of accidents at the airport due to ground subsidence and bird strikes. […]

By Choi Sung-hee It was February 20th, the next day of opening of Island Council provisional meeting that Won Hee-ryong, Jeju Island governor, announced his will to drive for the 2nd Jeju airport project. His deed infuriated Island people as they were demanding the Council to make a resolution to stop the basic planning for the 2nd Jeju airport. About […]

  In this October/ November 2018 Edition : The Nightmare of a Fleet Review in Jeju/ South Korea to have blue-water navy, imperialist ambitions?/ Resisting Empire in the 21st Century/ Korea and the war in Yemen/ Delivery of Jeju April 3rd Petition to the US embassy/MD system extension in South Korea/ Bijarim Road and the 2nd Jeju airport project/ For […]

In this February/March 2018 Edition : A Symposium for the Denuclearization of Jeju/ Kim Kwan-jin, THAAD, & Lockheed Martin/ Father Mun Chose Prison/ The 6th Year Anniversary of Gureombi Rock Blast/ / 37 Days’ Fast Against Corporation Welfare/ Peace Award to Okinawa/ The Epitaph Covered Under Mural Painting of Lotuses/ Rohingya Refugees Demand Human Rights / Nuclear Cruise Missiles and […]

In this December 2017/January 2018 Issue Edition : Withdrawal of Navy Lawsuit, Start of New Year; Rejecting Militarism on the 80th Anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre; Martha Hennessy’s St. Francis Peace Center Visit; Naval Blockade & Nuclear Posture Review; Nuchi Du Takara
(All Life is a Treasure); International Solidarity (Solidarity with Ahed); ‘Sirens normalize the potential for war’; Round 3 of […]

In this August/September 2017 Edition (Specially 8 page): 2017 Jeju Grand March for Life and Peace/ Ishigaki peace camp 2017/ The18 hours’ resistance against THAAD / IPAN calls for THAAD OUT OF KOREA/ Why Iwakuni? / The Colonization of Guam/ Miyako Mothers for a Peaceful Future/ Ishigaki Elders Call for No More War/ Henoko Blue/ Report on the solidarity trip […]