DOWNLOAD In this Dec. 2022 to March 2023 Issue: Gangjeong Says, Stop the War!/ Get Out US warship DDG-115!/ Cruise matters: Jeju aches from over-tourism/ Jeju 2nd Airport and the Endangerment of Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins/ The struggle against Jeju’s 2nd airport faces a new phase/ Abolish new airport projects across the country!/ Remembrance and connections at Alddreu/ How do we […]

In this March/April/May 2021 Edition : Not a Deceptive Apology but Truth Investigation!/ Gureombi Remembrance Pilgrimage/ Despite the lawsuit, military road construction continues/ MOLIT and the Jeju Island Government should respect the result of the public opinion poll/ Resisting Militarization in Jeju and Northeast Asia/ Okinawa update/ Jeju Environmental Declaration/ Jeju Council’s approval of land sale for the Satellite Center/ […]

In this November & December 2020 Edition : A Military Road over the Water Supply Source/ The time has come for the islanders’ decision on the Jeju 2nd airport/ Voices from Seongsan / Solidarity Letters to Peace Prisoners/ Nanjing Seen from Alddreu/ National Satellite Integrated Operation Center in Jeju/ Mouth cancer found in a Jeju dolphin/ The Problem of Returned […]

In this December 2017/January 2018 Issue Edition : Withdrawal of Navy Lawsuit, Start of New Year; Rejecting Militarism on the 80th Anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre; Martha Hennessy’s St. Francis Peace Center Visit; Naval Blockade & Nuclear Posture Review; Nuchi Du Takara
(All Life is a Treasure); International Solidarity (Solidarity with Ahed); ‘Sirens normalize the potential for war’; Round 3 of […]

In this November Edition: People demand to cut the full 2015 Jeju navy base budget, a shrine under threat of destruction, remembrance day for Yang Yong-Chan, visitors from the US Pacific Northwest, Okinawa trip reflection including recent Okinawa election, Henoko movie viewed in Gangjeong, Prof. Sasha’s presentation on the success of anti-base movements, women’s international solidarity, airborne arsenic dust damaging […]