In this this July and August Special Edition: Reflections on 2015 Gangjeong March (domestic and international/ writings and photos),  Gangjeong as the co-recipients of the IPB award, U.S. Ships and Fighter Jets are are here, the 23rd Global Network conference in Kyoto,  Connecting Bath and Jeju,  Returning to Jeju, Taiwan anti-nuclear activist’s solidarity with Gangjeong, The Ghost of Yasukuni Cancelled by Jeju City,  a […]

Re-blogged from here By Bruce Gagnon I was invited to come to Jeju City today to appear on live radio show for 20 minutes at 6:00 pm.  As we were preparing to leave Gangjeong village we looked into the sky as a formation of Navy Blue Angel war planes came screaming over the village.  For the next 15 or so […]

Reblogged with permission from: MORNING WITH THE MAYOR | by BRUCE K. GAGNON * I arrived in Berkeley, California last night about 7:30 pm and was able to join a group of conference participants at a Chinese restaurant where they were having dinner together. When Gangjeong village Mayor Kang saw me he rose and gave me a big hug. At […]

Reblogged with permission from: A JEJU KIND OF WEEKEND HERE IN MAINE | by BRUCE K. GAGNON * On Saturday Regis Tremblay held the first public showing of his new 80-minute film about Jeju Island called The Ghosts of Jeju at the Brunswick, Maine public library. At least 70 people turned out and much to the delightful surprise of everyone, […]