In this July/August Edition: 2016 Jeju Peace March; Does South Korea need THAAD?; Veterans for Peace Joining the March; Two Korean American peace activists were deported; Reflections and photos on the march in Jeju and Peace for the Sea camp in Taiwan; Seongsan residents against the 2nd airport project; Jeju’s militarization presented in the East Asia Tribunal of Eviction; Hula Girls; Everyday protest […]

Re-blogged from here: The Irish Catholic, 2013. Irish Missionaries lead Korea military protest (Fwd by John Whipple). Though it does not necessarily reflect Save Jeju Now’s own view, the re-blogged article is helpful to glance on the degree of international solidarity opposing the Jeju naval base project. The role of Catholics worldwide, especially Irish Catholic’s, represented by Fr. Pat Cunningham, is […]

The writing forwarded below is by Wang Yu-Hsuan, Taiwan, who wrote this in the night before her leaving on April 26. We, in the village, used to call him Emily, her nickname. She came to Gangjeong in 2011 and has been recently in overseas for two months. It is very emotional day for all the people who have known and thank […]

  Report on Benjamin Monnet’ s SOAS speech on March 21 By Andrew, UK Gangjeong solidarity team   This month SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies) University of London, hosted Benjamin Monnet to talk about the struggle against the Jeju naval base, sponsored by the ‘Save Jeju Island’ student society. Benj, as he is known to his many friends, […]

(Fwd from the UK Solidarity team) Guest Speakers; Benjamin Monnet. French activist who lived in Gangjeong for eight months before being violently (and illegally) deported for defending the beautiful coastline currently being destroyed. Yoon Young Joon: ex SOAS, peace and human rights activist, visited Gangjeong last summer, and experienced first hand police violence to peaceful protestors. Learn about the struggle to […]

We called him, “Benj.’ The villagers used to call him, ‘Benjari,’ which sounds similar to the name of a fish, “jari,’ very common in the Jeju Island. It was Miryang, a village woman, who put him with such nickname. A villager poet, Kim Sung-Gyu wrote a poem for ‘Benjari,’ from the intimate feeling toward him. Benjamin Monnet, a French peace […]

    [Immediate Release]  Repeal the deportation order against Benjamin Monnet and Angie Zelter! By the Gangjeong Village International Team, March 15, 2012 (Translated by Jooyea Lee. See the Korean statement here.) On March 14th, Jeju District Public Prosecutor’s Office released 13 who had been arrested two days before, but requested an extension for the arrest of Ms. Seri Kim. At around 4:00 p.m., […]