In this September Edition: Catholic Conference, anniversary of Catholic solidarity and the fence around Gureombi, International Day of Peace, remembering an Japanese anti-base activist, North East Asia Regional Peace-building Institute, hunger strikes, Okinawa updates, trial updates, international solidarity, and more! Download PDF
It’s that time again! In this month’s issue: Government’s “development” plan, Catholics concerend about Pope’s Korea visit, Anniversary of Gureombi blasting, Solidarity from Benj and Global Network, Visting dancers, a play about Gangjeong, environmental destruction reports, another Gangjeong wedding, and more! Download PDF
The Gangjeong Village Story monthly newsletter has undergone a redesign for 2014! Thanks to the help of the designers at Everyday Practice for their great assistance. In addition to the fresh new look, the online PDF version available here is now easier to read. The old version was designed only for print but this new version is designed for both! […]
Paco Booyah was sentenced of unjust 700,000 won fines (approx. 700 USD) on May 30. The prosecutor has appealed to the higher court and the appeal trial was held on May 9. In the original court on Feb. 8, this year, he has been sentenced of postponement of same amount of fines. The judge, Choi Nam-Sik said that, “the prosecutor […]
In this month's issue:
Crackdown in Gangjeong, Catholics stand up to police, SOS international training, Jeong Young-Hee returns from US tour, Emily Wang's reflection on deportation, Villager Mi-Lyang badly injured by police, Conscientious objection in Korea, and more!
There was an original court judgement on Paco Booyah, an international peace worker staying in Gangjeong on Feb. 8, 2013. See here. He was the 1st international to stand in the court in person, in relation to the naval base project issue. On Feb. 8, the judge, Kim Kyung-Sun made a decision of ‘postponement of sentence’ on 700,000 won […]
“Policemen, if you move this altar, 1 billion Catholic followers all over the world will watch over you.” The young Father Woo from Jeju finished ALL the orders of the Catholic mass despite the repeated remarks by Koo Seul-Hwan, security director of the Seogwipo Police Station, who was embarrassed but continued to threaten him that it is an obstruction of […]
The writing forwarded below is by Wang Yu-Hsuan, Taiwan, who wrote this in the night before her leaving on April 26. We, in the village, used to call him Emily, her nickname. She came to Gangjeong in 2011 and has been recently in overseas for two months. It is very emotional day for all the people who have known and thank […]
1 year has passed March 7th, 2013 was the date commemorating one year anniversary on the navy’s blast of the Gureombi Rock despite people’s fierce opposition to it. The people’s struggles to save the Gureombi Rock, the absolute preservation coastal area of the Gangjeong village, reached one of their highest points during the time when the blast was continued […]
A Japanese peace activist has been denied entry at the Gimpo Airport, Seoul, on Oct. 16 when he was to visit his sick friend. Mr. Koto Shoji has visited Gangjeong last year and has written an article on it in the magazine named “Power of People’ (Informed by Ms. Lee Kil-Joo) With his forcefully denied entry, the total numbers of […]