In this Aug. to Nov. 2021 Edition : Light Aircraft Carrier, Jeju Naval Base, US Indo-Pacific Strategy/ The 2021 Gangjeong Peace Activist March/ The release of Song Kang-ho/ Accusing the Navy Chief of Staff on Gangjeong Stream/ Ocean Action/ Update on the struggle against the 2nd airport project/ The New Space Era of South Korea with Rockets/ Opposition to AUKUS/ […]

17th day of Grand March at Gunsan. . . After the meeting with renowned Buddhist monk Do-Beop…on the way to Gunsan, participants meet bus drivers who shows warm solidarity on the road. . .They did Sam-bo-il-bae (three steps and one full bow) on the street in solidarity with bus drivers’ struggle in Jeonju 3 days ago. . Arriving in Gunsan, […]