The Gangjeong Village Story monthly newsletter has undergone a redesign for 2014! Thanks to the help of the designers at Everyday Practice for their great assistance. In addition to the fresh new look, the online PDF version available here is now easier to read. The old version was designed only for print but this new version is designed for both! […]

Tomorrow, August 15, 2013, the 3rd meeting of the movement to demilitarize Jeju “Jeju, the Demilitarized Peace Island” will meet. This meeting open to everyone will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Moseulpo, on the southwest cost of Jeju. Moseulpo is an important place in the history of military and anti-militarist struggles on Jeju. During the Japanese […]

On August 3rd, the International Dialogue Conference on “Seeking Peace from Oceanic Perspectives” was held in Taipei, Taiwan. Emily Wang was one of the speaker in the secession of "An Oceanic Deconstruction of Geopolitics" to share about Gangjeong and the idea of Inter-Island Solidarity for Just Peace. [...]

In this month’s issue: Remembering the one year anniversary of the blasting of Gureombi, the campaign to demilitarize Jeju continues, linking the tar sands protests and Jeju, Solidarity from Okinawa and Taiwan, trial updates, Guest articles from several visitors, as well as Angie Zelter and Benjamin Monnet, and more! Download PDF

We welcome internationals living in Korea to join this event! On the 8th anniversary of  Jeju’s designation as “The Peace Island” (Jan. 27, 2005), people from around Korea will have an event commemorating that anniversary and to make a new declaration, designating Jeju as as “The Demilitarized Peace Island.” The idea was initiated in Gangjeong at the beginning of 2013 and […]