In this December 2017/January 2018 Issue Edition : Withdrawal of Navy Lawsuit, Start of New Year; Rejecting Militarism on the 80th Anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre; Martha Hennessy’s St. Francis Peace Center Visit; Naval Blockade & Nuclear Posture Review; Nuchi Du Takara
(All Life is a Treasure); International Solidarity (Solidarity with Ahed); ‘Sirens normalize the potential for war’; Round 3 of […]
In this April/ May 2017 Edition: No to the 1st US Warship after 10 Years of Struggle /The United States should not pressure THAAD deployment!/ Resisting THAAD in the United States/ Vietnam Pieta and Fr. Bix statues placed in Gangjeong/ The Navy’s damage lawsuit and the new President Moon/ A Murderous History of Korea by Bruce Cumings / Gangjeong Peace […]
In this October Edition: Gangjeong Case at The International Tribunal on Evictions; The 5th Anniversary of the Gangjeong Life and Peace Mass; Cultural relics found, buried, destroyed again at Jeju naval base site; No life can live near Jeju naval base The National Assembly inquiry on the navy lawsuit; Trial update; Peace Festival and Keep Space for Peace Week; Calls […]
In this July/August Edition: 2016 Jeju Peace March; Does South Korea need THAAD?; Veterans for Peace Joining the March; Two Korean American peace activists were deported; Reflections and photos on the march in Jeju and Peace for the Sea camp in Taiwan; Seongsan residents against the 2nd airport project; Jeju’s militarization presented in the East Asia Tribunal of Eviction; Hula Girls; Everyday protest […]
In this April Edition: The first Gangjeong film festival ends with success; The Navy should drop the wrongful lawsuit; Global Days of Action on Military Spending; Jeju and Ukraine in a larger picture of US military operation; The Power of Film; Yonaguni Solidarity; Activities to remember 16 April; Dolphin’ monitoring; Protest to navy soldiers arriving in the village; trial update; Koh Gilchun’s art on April […]
Since the navy filed a lawsuit on the rights to indemnity against 116 anti-base individuals and 5 groups including Gangjeong Village Association, some internationals were willing to send protest letters to the South Korean government. Following an April 24 appeal for protest to the South Korean navy lawsuit (See here), many more peace activists in the world have joined them. They […]
April 23, 2016 Dear friends of Gangjeong Village: This weekend, our village is honored to host the 1st International Peace Film Festival in Gangjeong (April 23 to 26). Unfortunately, we also find ourselves in grave danger and need your urgent help. Although our peace movement has been recognized internationally as an “exemplary non-violent struggle” by organizations like the International […]
The ‘Bomb’ of $ 3million USD is murder : The navy should drop the wrongful lawsuit on damage claim By Ko Kwon-Il April 15, 2016 Even though spring, which germinates life, has returned, a fierce cold winter wind is still striking Gangjeong village. The navy has filed an absurd lawsuit claiming 3.4 billion Korean Won [approximately $3 million US […]
The below is a translation of the excerpted from the village statement titled, ‘Relocating the village association hall to a tent, ‘ April 11, 2016. Please see the related sites here and here. “…We, the Gangjeong villagers, are not activists. However, the reason that we symbolically relocated our Village Association Hall onto the street is because we have […]
In this March Edition: The navy’s lawsuit against people; Rise up, Gureombi; War exercise in Gangjeong; Solidarity with the next generation of Catholic workers; Wednesday Water day; Fr. Mun Jeong-Hyeon’s visit to the USA; Remembering Korea’s role in the Vietnam War; Residents’ complaints about the construction of the base entry road; trial update; International Women’s Day remembered; New daily evening bells prayer service; […]