In this March/April/May 2021 Edition : Not a Deceptive Apology but Truth Investigation!/ Gureombi Remembrance Pilgrimage/ Despite the lawsuit, military road construction continues/ MOLIT and the Jeju Island Government should respect the result of the public opinion poll/ Resisting Militarization in Jeju and Northeast Asia/ Okinawa update/ Jeju Environmental Declaration/ Jeju Council’s approval of land sale for the Satellite Center/ […]
The Gangjeong Village Story monthly newsletter has undergone a redesign for 2014! Thanks to the help of the designers at Everyday Practice for their great assistance. In addition to the fresh new look, the online PDF version available here is now easier to read. The old version was designed only for print but this new version is designed for both! […]
The Jemin Ilbo, one of the Jeju media, reported on Dec. 6, 2012 that the POSCO construction consortium received an order for the land facility construction of the 1st work area of the Jeju naval base project, which is about 130 billion won size. The Posco Consortium became additional main navy-contracted companies along with the Samsung C& T that is […]