In this September Edition: The 3rd Gangjeong Peace Conference; The wrongful arrest of Mayor Cho Kyung-chul; Military explosive vehicle passing by the village; Peace Educators’ Solidarity; International Tribunal of Eviction; Jeju naval base for the US aircraft carrier?; THAAD and Jeju naval base; Delivery of the claim for reimbursement to the Navy has commenced; Baek Nam-gi, Presente; Solidarity with Pyeongtaek: Stop the Air Show! etc.   Download PDF Name spelling […]

    The Navy’s damage claim against Gangjeong residents is a declaration of war against its own citizens By Lawyers for a Democratic Society (Minbyun) The ROK Navy is claiming a sum of 3.4 billion won [approximately 3 million US dollars] in damages against 116 individuals including residents and clergy and 5 organizations. The Navy is demanding this money in […]