New in the Gallery: On Wednesday, January 23rd, the two members from the SOS (Save Our Seas) ocean activism and environmental monitoring team took a kayak and went out to monitor the construction in the sea and also check the silt protectors surrounding the construction site. Although they were not blocked by the coast guard, the scene was quite comedic […]
The Minister of National Defense (MND) excused under the pretext of Samsung for the reason of the enforcement of construction. 12 members of the National Assembly, including Park Ki-Choon, floor representative of the Democratic United Party, denounced the MND. On Jan. 23, 12 National Assembly members (representatives of the Democratic United Party: DUP) visited the MND and met Kim Gwan-Jin, […]
In this month’s issue: Struggle outlook after the presidential election and in the new year, a new support group forms, similarities of Gaza and Gangjeong, more prisoner releases, Buddhist unity ceremony, voting problems for villagers and more! Download PDF
Reblogged with permission from: The watch dogs of Gangjeong | by notonlyformyself. Today there were many watch dogs by the gates of the naval base. Unification day. And it has been a hectic day. But first. Two concepts that are hovering over the base. Civil Disobedience (Resistance to civil government) Henry David Thoreau argues that individuals should not permit governments […]
Reblogged with permission from: Hallo, is this the police? | by notonlyformyself. An outsiders perspective on how things possibly went down this morning. – Hallo, is this the police? I need your help. – Yes, again. – There are three people blocking the entrance to the gate. I know you have been here 7 times a day since 2007. Yes, […]
In this month’s issue: A message from Chomsky to Gangjeong, a new civil disobedience movement, prison letters, prisoner releases, construction accidents, art activism and more! Download PDF
Scroll down to the bottom to add your name to the petition. As international students studying in South Korea we raise our collective voice to call upon the Government of South Korea to stop all work on the Jeju naval base construction project immediately. We are deeply concerned after learning that the Jeju naval base construction project has been pushed […]
A peace keeper, Park Yong-Sung, who stayed in the sit-in tent across the construction gate overnight wrote in the morning of Dec. 17. ‘The tree of peace was made near the Gangjeong stream thanks to uncles and peace keepers in Gangjeong who cut and brought trees. The religious elders also helped to make the tree. However, from the morning, there […]
‘The National Network of Korean Civil Society for Opposing to the Naval Base in Jeju Island submitted individual complaints to the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders, Freedom of Opinion and Expression, Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association and Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on human rights situation in Gangjeong. Human rights defenders including peace activists, religious leaders, […]
It was found on Dec. 8 that an older brother of a wife of a dead worker on Nov. 28 posted a writing in the Gangjeong village website (Click here). On Nov. 28, the very day that the ruling Saenuri Party unilaterally railroaded 2013 budget bill on the Jeju naval base project in the National Defense committee of the National […]