In this June/ July 2017 Edition: Concern about ‘A Main Military Foothold for the US in the Region’/ Korean citizens surround the US embassy/ Lindis Percy visit to Jeju Island/ Bruce Cummings visit to the village/ The Women’s Struggle is Winning!/ Song of Sanrizuka’s elderly activist/ Government should drop the SLAPPs!/ Is the 2nd Airport Necessary?/ Lift the bans/ Jeju […]
In this January 2017 Edition: No Samsung! the No.1 power of South Korea!/ For a Jeju native to survive/ Solidarity Trip to Hawaii From Jeju Island/ Henoko struggle goes on despite hardships/ Welcome the judgment of acquittal on reservist objector/ Jeju sea, covered with wind farms?/ Trial update/ The 18th Gangjeong Peace School etc. Download the PDF
In this October Edition: Gangjeong Case at The International Tribunal on Evictions; The 5th Anniversary of the Gangjeong Life and Peace Mass; Cultural relics found, buried, destroyed again at Jeju naval base site; No life can live near Jeju naval base The National Assembly inquiry on the navy lawsuit; Trial update; Peace Festival and Keep Space for Peace Week; Calls […]
In this May Edition: 5.15 Okinawa Peace March an Inspiration for Gangjeong; Our daily mass a seed of peace; May 24 International Women’s Day for Peace And Disarmament; Andrew and Debbie visiting Gangjeong; Brando and Omi; One person protest; War vessels for drills and tours; Update of the incident on military drill in April ; International Conscientious Objector Day; Trial updates; Remembering Gwangju; Jeju Forum; Fundraising […]
In this month’s issue: Catholic solidarity anniversary, reports for Sri Lanka and visiting priests, trial updates, released prisoners, Gangjeong goes to the WCC in Busan, Peace Co-op relaunches, violent incidents on the rise, and more! Download PDF