[May 29, 2012 Breaking News] The navy’s hearing on building on military residence in the area of village was totally dissipated by villagers’ strong protest. A small victory to the people!

Photo: Headline Jeju/ May 29, 2012. The navy’s hearing on building on military residence in the area of village was totally dissipated by villagers’ strong protest.
About 100 villagers and activists, storming with great fury into the building of Kim Jung Culture hall, Seogwipo City, completely dissipated the navy’s hearing on military residence.
The naval base project committee had planned to have a hearing on the draft of prior environmental examination on the project for establishing military residential buildings at 5pm, May 29.
However, the villagers and activists greatly uniting themselves, totally dissipated the hearing by fierce protest to the navy and building companies, even before the hearing.
The villagers shouted in fury, “Even though the navy says it has informed on the building to the nearby villagers, there was no mention on it to the very villagers of Gangjeong.” “If the military residential houses come into the village, the village will be surrounded by a big military facility, soon .”
The navy is very likely to still enforce the project. But it has become very clear to everybody that the villagers greatly oppose naval base construction(destruction). Most Jeju media reported.
For more details. Please come by later.
Video by Dungree http://youtu.be/LlPmbODHfQM (Source http://cafe.daum.net/peacekj/JWOn/286)
Reference with photos:
제주해군기지 군관사 건립 설명회 결국 ‘무산’
강정 주민들 설명회장서 격렬한 항의…개회도 못한채 무산
주민들 “군관사 건립 반대”…쩔쩔매던 해군 결국 설명회 포기
2012.05.29 18:05:58
제주해군기지 아파트 건립사업 설명회 ‘파행’
주민•활동가, 단상 점거하고 설명회 자료 찢어 버려
2012.05.29 17:54:38
Voice of Seoul http://amn.kr/sub_read.html?uid=5810
(Source: http://cafe.daum.net/peacekj/5ort/2211)