- Moon Jae-In says, ‘stop construction, re-examine project,’ but no mention on ‘budget cut.’
On Nov. 8, Moon Jae-In, Presidential candidate of the Democratic United Party, visited Jeju. He did not stop by the Gangjeong village, but mentioned on his position on the Jeju naval base project. His mention can be compared to mention by another Presidential candidate, Ahn Chul-Soo, who visited the village but still insisted on the need of the project and Park Geun-Hye, Presidential candidate of the ruling Saenuri party, who wants the Jeju, as the 2nd Hawai’i mixed of tourism and militarism.
Here is the translation of people’s commentary on the remarks by Moon Jae-In on Nov. 8:
We welcome the remarks by candidate Moon Jae-In, that ‘he would re-examine the Jeju naval base project after the stop of its construction.’
– The Democratic United Party should show its will to cut the 2013 budget on the project
– The [technical] simulation demanded through the ruling and opposition party agreement has not been satisfied. Candidate Park Geun-Hye and the Saenuri Party (New Frontier Party) should join the budget cut.
1. Candidate Moon Jae-In visiting Jeju promised that he “would first stop construction and re-examine the project contents according to democratic procedures.’ We welcome the words, noticing that he confirmed again the position of construction stop and re-examination, the party opinion of the Democratic United Party.
2. Candidate Moon Jae-in pointed out that “the Lee Myung-Bak government is unilaterally enforcing construction despite the fact that the 2012 budget was cut by the agreement between the ruling and opposition parties because the Jeju naval base project is being enforced violating the [2007] National Assembly resolution to build it as a ‘civilian-military complex port of call (*which is focused on civilian port with the ability of two 150,000 ton cruises’ simultaneous coming alongside the pier).’ It is a very timely indication.
3. However, candidate Moon Jae-In did NOT mention on the 2013 Jeju naval base budget. When the National Assembly cut the budget for 2012 last year, the National Assembly decided to verify on the actuality of the Civilian-Military Complex for Tour Beauty(Jeju naval base) by the agreement of ruling and opposition parties. However during the discussion process by the [technical] verification committee under the Office of the Prime Minister last February, flaws in the base design have been confirmed. And it has been turned out that the proposed changed base layout that the Ministry of National Defense has suggested later has, in fact, many problems in many aspects such as in cruise ships’ turning and entry & exit of port. Further, no objective simulation on which the Jeju Island and navy agree with each other, has been carried out by now. Even though it is reasonable that the National Assembly cut the whole 2013 budget based on the ruling and opposition parties’ agreement [in 2007], no party, no candidate has not mentioned on it yet.
4. Candidate Moon Jae-In and Democratic United Party have to clearly declare their position and carry it into practice for the whole budget cut on the 2013 Jeju naval base project to stop construction (destruction), beyond the reconfirmation on its position of construction stop.
5.Together with Moon, the ruling Saenuri Party(New Frontier Party) and its candidate, Park Geun-Hye should join Moon to cut the 2013 budget on the Jeju naval base project by the agreement between the ruling and opposition parties, as verification work proposed by the agreement between the ruling and opposition parties have not been carried on and numerous problems in the Jeju naval base construction such as base design flaws and unreliablce harbor & bay (caisson) production have been confirmed again. Candidate Ahn Chul-Soo (independent) should make his concrete position on the matters of the stop of the Jeju naval base construction and of the 2013 budget cut.
Nov. 8, 2012
Gangjeong Village Association
Jeju Pan-Island Committee for Stop of Military Base and for Realization of Peace Island (26 groups)
National Network of Korean Civil Society for Opposing to the Naval Base in Jeju Island (125 groups)
( # In December, 2012, the National Assembly has tremendously cut the budget of 127.8 billion won (96 %) through its review, remaining only 4.9 billion won such as for the land design (3.8 billion won) and compensation fee(1.1 billion won) among the whole proposed budget of 132.7 billion won related to the Jeju naval base project. It has especially never reflected acuall construction fees therefore in fact, put brakes on the promotion of the project. Instead it detourly demanded the government ‘solution of conflict, first.’ However, the transferred budget of 107.5 billion won from 2011 to 2012 was used this year for the forceful naval base construction. Even though it is principle that usused budget should be returned back to the national treasury but the navy law-evasively used it asserting that the project is of emergency. As of September, the navy could use 50 billion won, compared to its original paln of 78 billion won. The people’s protests delayed the execution of 28 billion won. )
2. Field struggle is a great basis to cut the budget
Otherwise, Bora Lee, an assistant of the National Assembly woman, Jang Hana (Jeju-based, Democratic United Party) left a beautiful writing to the peacekeepers in the struggle field last night. Here is:
To my friends who would be in front of the construction gates right now.
All the time of struggles by which you have delayed one construction truck even for a few minutes has filed up one by one neatly.
That is why there is still 50% budget unused bccause you have stopped the execution on that amount of budget on the Jeju naval base construction.
And that has become the very basis that even the members of the National Defense committee cannot easily approve the 2013 budget.
Whenever the committee members are embarrassed because of non-executed budget, I remind each face of you, peacekeepers, being in front of construction site.
It is all thanks to you, peacekeepers, who have endured merciless construction (destruction) and no-time defined police’s roughing out of you.
Even though you may suffer from cold weather and grief, I am told of hopeful news little by little. It is thanks to you who have sleeplessly put up with those hardships there.
Tomorrow is the day that the National Assembly committee makes decision on the naval base budget.
It is a hard season for everyone. However NOW is the only chance.
So please stir up ourselves a little more.
( Bora Lee, assistant of National Assembly woman, Jang Hana)
3. No conclusion on budget cut in the National Assembly yet. But budget matter is critical now.
Update: On Nov. 9, the National Defense committee of the National Assembly could not reach to the conclusion on the budget of the Jeju naval base project (Related to the DAPA: Defense Acquision Program Administration) despite the meetings by its sub-committee on Budget and Balance on Nov. 7 to 8. The positions between the ruling and opposition party was quite different.
The latest news read:
‘The Committee of National Defense, planning to have an overall meeting in the morning of Nov. 9, was to dispose the agendas on the proposals on 2013 budget and extension of dispatch to Arab Emirate, for the Ministry of National Defense (MND), Military Manpower Administration (MMA) and DAPA. However, the ruling and opposition parities confronted each other regarding the budget of 200.9 billion won for the Jeju naval base project (harbor and bay construction, purchase of land etc.) that was earmarked by the DAPA. Eventually the committee passed budget proposal only for the MND and MMA. It is known that the Democratic United Party is demanding the whole budget cut, claiming inappropriateness of the Jeju naval base project whicle the ruling Saenuri Party is confronting against it claiming that it cannot accept it.’ (Maeil Broadcasting Network, 2012-11-09 12:35)
‘The National Defense committee set the schedules on the overall meetings on coming Nov. 12 (Mon.) and 16 (Fri.). Personnel in the office of Kim Jae-Yoon (Jeju-based, Democratic United Party) said that “We could only confirm the different positions between the ruling and opposition parties in the meeting of sub-committee on budget and balance held yesterday. There is not so enough time, given the schedules by the Budget and Balance Special committee)’ (Jeju Sori, 2012.11.09 10:37:12)
[2012. 11. 8] 공사 중단, 재검토 문재인 후보 제주 발언 논평과 예산삭감 평화행동
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2012.11.09 10:37:12