In this June/ July/August 2019 Edition :
2019 Jeju Grand March for Life and Peace(special pages with short essays and photos) / Jeju announced a massive new port plan/ For the right to self-determination (update on the No 2nd airport struggle)/ EIA, an absolution for environmental destruction: An overall update on the Bijarim-ro/ The struggle against nuclear weapons/ Kings Bay Plowshares Update/ The struggle for Mauna Kea/ Solidarity of Maine and Gangjeong/ Peacebuilding training in Nanjing/ 2019 International Peace Camp in Jeju/ Navy aims to designate military protection zone/ Japan resumed commercial whaling amid ‘No Abe’ and Tokyo 2020 Olympics boycott campaigns/ Military mid-term plan reflects arms race/ SMA and Hormuz dispatch, for whom?/ GSOMIA etc.