Gangjeong Struggle 5000 Days : Solidarity Messages

Jan. 23, 2021, marks 5000 days of struggle against the Jeju Naval Base in Gangjeong. Organized opposition to the naval base plans started on May 18, 2007. Over the next 5000 days, the anti-base movement endured attacks on local democratic decision making, false representation in the media, division of the village community, state violence used to suppress nonviolent resistance, destruction […]

In this January 2017  Edition: No Samsung! the No.1 power of South Korea!/ For a Jeju native to survive/ Solidarity Trip to Hawaii From Jeju Island/ Henoko struggle goes on despite hardships/ Welcome the judgment of acquittal on reservist objector/ Jeju sea, covered with wind farms?/ Trial update/ The 18th Gangjeong Peace School etc. Download the PDF

A re-posed article from here. With indemnity, government apparently trying to send a message about what happens to people who oppose government projects On Jan. 30, during the Lunar New Year holiday, I visited Gangjeong Village in Jeju Island. Faded and tattered yellow banners were fluttering in the fierce wind around the Jeju Naval Base, with slogans such as “No […]

  In this November Edition: Step Down Park Geun Hye! Mass Anti-Government Rallies; GSOMIA etc. are INVALID; Navy brings children to experience war culture; International Tribunal on Forced Eviction’s recommendation on Jeju navy base; Choi Soon-sil gate with Lockheed Martin and Samsung; Why I object to my fourth year of military reserves training; Trial updates; Solidarity message for the Standing […]

Walking for Peace on Jeju Island

The below is re-blogged from here. We gathered at the new Navy base front gate this morning just after 8:00 am in order to get registered for the six-day peace walk around Jeju Island, South Korea.  Many in the crowd walked down an entry road to the main gate that of course was blocked off with higher than normal security […]

Re-blogged from here On the 100 bows and dances mentioned in the main content of the article, click respectively here and here. By Ann Wright The South Korean Navy filed a civil lawsuit against 116 individual anti-base protesters and five groups including the Gangjeong Village Association, demanding $3 million in compensation for alleged construction delays caused by protests over the […]

Since the navy filed a lawsuit on the rights to indemnity against  116 anti-base individuals and 5 groups including Gangjeong Village Association,  some internationals were willing to send  protest letters to the South Korean government. Following an April 24 appeal for protest to the South Korean navy lawsuit (See here), many more peace activists in the world have joined them. They […]

An Appeal for Protest

  April 23, 2016 Dear friends of Gangjeong Village: This weekend, our village is honored to host the 1st International Peace Film Festival in Gangjeong (April 23 to 26). Unfortunately, we also find ourselves in grave danger and need your urgent help. Although our peace movement has been recognized internationally as an “exemplary non-violent struggle” by organizations like the International […]

The ‘Bomb’ of $ 3million USD

The ‘Bomb’ of $ 3million USD is murder : The navy should drop the wrongful lawsuit on damage claim   By Ko Kwon-Il April 15, 2016 Even though spring, which germinates life, has returned, a fierce cold winter wind is still striking Gangjeong village. The navy has filed an absurd lawsuit claiming 3.4 billion Korean Won [approximately $3 million US […]

    The below is a  translation of the excerpted from the village statement titled, ‘Relocating the village association hall to a tent, ‘ April 11, 2016. Please see the related sites here and here.   “…We, the Gangjeong villagers, are not activists. However, the reason that we symbolically relocated our Village Association Hall onto the street is because we have […]