In this month’s issue: Gangjeong at the World Council of Churches, National and local base inspections, Solidarity from Philippines and Christian Peacemaker Teams, Peace for Life Forum and Women’s Pilgrimage Report, prisoner releases, trial updates, and more! Download PDF
Update: Dr. Song Kang-Ho was released on Nov. 29. Please see here. And Mr. Kang Bu-Eon was released on Dec. 3. Regis Tremblay, a movie director of ‘The Ghosts of Jeju,’ thankfully made these images for the English speakers. Bruce Gagnon writes in his blog: “These good people are right now languishing inside the jail house on Jeju Island, South […]
In this month’s issue: 100,000 Books arrive in Gangjeong for the creative transformation to a “book village”, National Assembly inspections on the base, Solidarity from Italy and Western Europe, Gangjeong at the Busan WCC Assembly 2013, Trial updates, outrageous imprisonments, police disrupt prohibit catholic Eucharist and more! Download PDF