In this August to December 2023 Issue: Remembering the 6,000th day of the Gangjeong Struggle/ Jeju Grand March for Life and Peace/ Peace for the Sea International Camp in Miyako Island/ Gong Pyeong Hae- 1st Peace sailing project/ 5000km sailing completed/ Reflections After 100 Days at Sea/ 2023 Jeju Womens’ Peace Workshop “Empathy and Solidarity”/ Demilitarization and non-alignment/ Trilateral alliance […]

In this December 2017/January 2018 Issue Edition : Withdrawal of Navy Lawsuit, Start of New Year; Rejecting Militarism on the 80th Anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre; Martha Hennessy’s St. Francis Peace Center Visit; Naval Blockade & Nuclear Posture Review; Nuchi Du Takara
(All Life is a Treasure); International Solidarity (Solidarity with Ahed); ‘Sirens normalize the potential for war’; Round 3 of […]

In this June/ July 2017 Edition: Concern about ‘A Main Military Foothold for the US in the Region’/ Korean citizens surround the US embassy/ Lindis Percy visit to Jeju Island/ Bruce Cummings visit to the village/ The Women’s Struggle is Winning!/ Song of Sanrizuka’s elderly activist/ Government should drop the SLAPPs!/ Is the 2nd Airport Necessary?/ Lift the bans/ Jeju […]

  In this February/ March 2017  Edition: Remember Gureombi: Neither Zumwalt Nor THAAD/Unilateral Enforcement of the Jeju Air Force Base/ The 4·3 Massacre and the USA/ A Future of Hawaii and Today of Jeju/ Zumwalt 12 Trial Update/ Peace school with Kyoko Okumoto/ Lecture on Women’s Voices in Militarism/ Demilitarized Peace Island a Work in Progress/ No More Dolphin Imports from Japan/ Navy’s strategic lawsuit against participation /The navy […]

In this June Edition: Sunken Sewol ferry overloaded with iron bars for Jeju naval base; Navy Week on Jeju Island; Gwangju and Jeju: A Journalist’s Account; Zumwalt 12 Arrested at Shipyard; Memory Activism Peace School; Visit to Aland Island; The endangered Joongdeok Samgeori; Environment around Jeju naval base deteriorates; UN recommends South Korea to protect freedom of assembly and association; Trial […]

It’s that time again! In this month’s issue: Village elder’s letter to the pope, Navy steals more land, solidarity from John Pilger and AWC Japan, Solidarity with Ssangyong workers, Trial updates, Yang Yoon-Mo, Peace School, War Exercises, and more! Download PDF

The Gangjeong Village Story monthly newsletter has undergone a redesign for 2014! Thanks to the help of the designers at Everyday Practice for their great assistance. In addition to the fresh new look, the online PDF version available here is now easier to read. The old version was designed only for print but this new version is designed for both! […]